About the Commission

The Commission is responsible for advancing and preserving the heritage sector in the Kingdom by proposing a sector strategy within the framework of the National Strategy for Culture and following up on its implementation after its approval by the Ministry. In addition, it will propose laws and regulations to enhance the sector’s operating environment. The Commission will support efforts to develop national heritage assets, raise awareness and generate interest in them, and preserve them for future generations. Furthermore, the Commission will work to encourage financing and investment in areas related to its mandate, propose relevant standards and guidelines, and encourage individuals, institutions and companies to engage with the sector. The Commission is also responsible for holding training courses, adopting professional training programs and certification bodies, developing educational programs and providing scholarships for talents in the field in coordination with relevant bodies. It will support the protection of intellectual property rights and licensing activities related to its scope of work, and create a database for the heritage sector to inform decision making. The Commission’s remit also includes organizing and holding local and international conferences, exhibitions, events and competitions, and participating in them in coordination with other relevant authorities. Furthermore, the Commission will establish and engage in partnerships with companies, and participate in associations, organizations, regional and international authorities, and other bodies related to the Commission's mandate.


Honoring Saudi Arabia’s heritage as a cultural treasure nationally and internationally


Protect, manage and enable innovation and sustainable development for all cultural heritage elements

Strategic Objectives:

  • Protect and actively manage the portfolio of cultural wealth and archaeological sites

  • Foster research and talent development for heritage

  • Deploy the latest digital technologies across the heritage value chain

  • Institute appropriate laws and regulations and run licensing

  • Engage extensively with the private sector (business projects)

  • Secure KSA government & international agency funding

  • Create audience awareness and publicize heritage

  • Work through extensive KSA and international partnerships